Photo 9 of 14 in Michael Romanik

Geometrica Bracelet
  • Michael Romanik I can't just 'whip them out,' they do take a long time, at least 25 - 30 hours (lots of assembling once the enamels are set,) and I made 2 in the past 3 years or so. I'm working on a third one, just sold the second back in June. I've wholesaled my work...  more
  • Trish White Michael, I can't believe you can whip them out so fast - these bracelets look like they take days, weeks to make - and you managed to make and sell two already? and win $1,000? I am definitely doing something wrong with my time. Thanks for sending new...  more
  • Michael Romanik Thanks, Trish! This is an oldie but a goodie - sold 2 of them already! And it won me a $1,000 award at the Winter Park Arts Festival in 2007!
  • Trish White awesome!