Photo 2 of 11 in Amilien

Marie Hélène Amilien - France
  • Amilien waouh cloisonné with torch... I would like to know more.
  • Amilien Thank you Chris. Are make the brochs you show torch firering? Torch-fire is so amazing technic. I try to find someone to show me . in France we don't torh fire. It's a shame.
  • Amilien

    Thank you Trish. I cut all the figure in one piece. So bird and stick are not at

    tach they are part of the figure. I use 15/10 copper. the figure held in place being slide in the two small parts which are soldered on the plinth.This way I can remove the

    ...  more
  • Trish White

    These are all so very incredible Marie-Héléne, - I assume the entire piece is hand painted?

    how id you attach the bird on the stick and how is the figure being held in place?