Photo 6 of 7 in Sarah Hemmings-Vourda

subterranean ants
  • Trish White


    How did you solder the bezel and the front piece together without disturbing the enamel?

    Are you saying the back of this piece is also domed? Would be great if you could give a small tutorial on how you made this bezel, as setting is so much of

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  • Tina Carvalho Love this!
  • Sarah Hemmings-Vourda

    Glad you like it!

    There is a bezel soldered onto the back and another domed disc fits in behind the enamel(like the two halves of a clam shell) so it is fairly easy to set tidily.

  • Trish White Wow! this rocks! I love the setting - how did you set the enamel in the bezel?