Photo 1 of 9 in Wendy Walsh

Spiny cartoon bracelet
  • Tammi Sloan

    Wendy -

    Thank you for the information.  I had tried to ball up the wire in the manner you mentioned, but cracked the enamel.  I guess I just need to practice.  What size tip do you use on your smith torch?

    I'll give the cat whiskers a try.  I don't

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  • Wendy Walsh


    It is tricky and somewhat perilous to ball up the wires next to the enamel. I use a Smith Little Torch, make a very hot tight flame, and with the wire sticking straight up, come in from the side, keeping the flame above the enamel surface. Get in

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  • Tammi Sloan

    How do you ball up the silver wire without effecting the enamel panels?

  • Trish White

    Very cool bracelet!