Photo 15 of 28 in Bhavna Sonawane

Filled Pot 42 x 41 cm Glass Enamel On Copper
  • Bhavna Sonawane

    Thus your works show more of depth......i loved the results u have achieved....very lovely work...

    I live in suburbs of mumbai.....a bit outside.

    i m basically a Fine Artist.....I Paint.

    n doing enamelling since 2 years.....also not regularly....just

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  • Jenny Gore

    15 firings seems to be the minimum for most of my work, I wish I could get the result I want with less! Sometimes they go up to 30 times in the kiln.

    Do you live in Mumbai? Did I meet you when I was teaching in Delhi?

    I like your use of liquid

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  • Bhavna Sonawane Thanks Jenny.........this is the most fired piece i have......more than 15 firings....
  • Jenny Gore Hi Bhavna, I love your whimsical design! Nice original work.