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Yay!!! Rio Grande has responded to our outcry regarding pulling the enamel category from the Saul Bell award!!! Enter and show them we care! Here is the letter: Dear Enameling Community,
I am reaching out personally to thank all the enamelists and jewelers who contacted us directly or who posted on forums regarding the enameling category of the Saul Bell Design Award competition. Your feedback made us acutely aware that our decision to fold the enamel category into other categories for the 2020 SBDA competition is worthy of reconsideration. We hear you!
We discussed your concerns and decided to reinstate Enameling as an individual category. We listen and appreciate your feedback—always! Our marketing and event teams are working right now to update the website to reinstate the Enamel category, and we will have this done by end of July at the latest.
We did not anticipate the outpouring of comments and we deeply appreciate your feedback; we are sorry for the upset our original decision caused. We are touched and encouraged by the engagement from the enamelist community.
You may ask—why did we make the decision to fold enameled work into other categories?
The Saul Bell Design Award competition did not have an enamel category for the first eight years (2001-2008). As you may know, there are two judging panels every year, comprising about 10 different judges assembled from all walks of the jewelry industry. I think it is noteworthy that before enameling was introduced as a category (in 2009), SBDA judges clearly appreciated entries from enamel artists. Indeed, four of the top prizes went to enamelists in the years prior to having an individual category for enamels. In 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2007 the judges awarded the top prizes (two 1st Place and two Grand Prizes) to enameled pieces. It was because of the engagement and caliber of the enamel entries that we decided to add an enamel category to the Saul Bell Design Award competition ten years ago.
Since 2016, however, the number of entries in the enamel category has declined significantly. In any competition, having a deep pool of entries is critical. Late last September, with the deadline looming, we had received only two entries in this category. We were so concerned that we invested in targeted, last-minute calls for entries. We reached out to Enamel Guild North East, Grains of Glass, Sisterhood of Metalsmiths, Society of British Enamellers and more. I sent personal communications to some enamelists, asking for advice. We were successful, and we reached the deadline with a strong pool of enameled pieces for the judges to consider. During our customary retrospective of the Saul Bell Design Award competition, this close call was key in our decision to move away from enamel as an individual category.
Categories have been subject to change throughout the years. We have retired categories and added new categories multiple times in the past 19 years. You may have noticed, in addition to the pieces specific to the enamel category, enameled pieces are often selected as finalists and prize winners in categories other than enamel. In 2019 for example, the judges selected enameled work as a finalist or prize winner for the Silver/Argentium and Collections categories.
Enameling is fully appreciated by Rio Grande, and enamel artists are an honored segment of our industry. Rio Grande has been a supporter and admirer of enamelists for many years. We have donated annually to the Enamelist Society and Enamel Guilds, never declining a request. We encourage the passing on of this artform by sponsoring classes and other education efforts. We are happy to reverse the decision in response to your voices. Bring us your best work and make 2020 a great year for the Enamel category of the Saul Bell Design Award competition!
We continue to celebrate and showcase the wonderful work of enamelists the world-over! With deep respect and appreciation,
July 24, 2018
Molly Bell Rio Grande
For your bench. At your side.
7500 Bluewater Rd NW Albuquerque, NM 871211962 USA #riojeweler