A Tribute to My Best Friend - Joseph Osina - 2011 - GOGS Member

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    and for me this final farewell is the hardest and closest to my heart. My dearest friend, studio partner, family member and Grains of Glass artist has passed away.



    Enamelist, Printmaker, Teacher, Book Artist and Conservator of old books

    (Spunky, witty, humorous, caring, dedicated, devoted and full of love)

    Joseph worked for many years as a conservator at the New York Public Library. Before that, he worked as an assistant to designer, Gaston Berthelot, House of Dior. The Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art was gifted  with sketches of original designs by Joseph, executed for Christian Dior. He was the founding member of Manhattan Graphics Center, teaching monotype, as well as book binding, adhesives, book restoration and box design at the Studio On The Square in New York City. His prints and artist books have been exhibited in Europe and the U.S. and are included in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Collectors sought after Joseph's expertise in the restoration of rare and antique books and he continued with that work after retiring. Joe was also a board member of the Enamel Guild North East.

    He was an artist that loved experimenting with enamels in a non-traditional style and incorporated many of his pieces into the hand crafted boxes he created as well as making bowls and dishes with the use of Separation Enamel techniques.

    Joseph taught me how to think more abstract, experiment with the unknown and challenge enamels in the heat of the kiln. We spent hours in our studio doing experiments, making notes, and collaborating on projects. When we weren't working, we were sipping wine, sharing dinner with the family, birthdays and holidays; conferences, museum exhibitions, art openings, theater, the jewelry district and always followed by our favorite French bistro.
    Joseph could melt the walls when he spoke french.

    His favorite expressions which sum up his personality perfectly were:

                                                     Brilliant and Fabulous!

    and he will be missed greatly by his wonderful family, his enormous group of friends, associates, students, his two cats and especially by ME.