From the Mailbox - Alyssa Looney

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    We hope this finds you happy and thriving!

    Welcome Summer!

    ... art that inspires care for our planet and each other 


    Spawning Sockeye (Detail), ReEnamelware by Alisa Looney, 21 x 11.5 x 2.5, $1075

    Alisa's hand-crafted work in glass on metal is intended to bring attention to our planet's ecosystems, and the need for deep and rapid care. The piece shown above is part of her "INTERDEPENDENCE ReEnamelware series, which reminds us to care for our rivers, specifically one of the most cherished endangered species in the Northwest, the Sockeye Salmon. This wall piece will be exhibiting at Hood Ave Art in Sisters, OR, from June 21 - July 26, 2024. 
    Learn about Sockeye Salmon restoration in Idaho.