Workshops Barbara will be teaching - Fall 2013

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    I will be teaching a class on use of a variety of drawing and painting media in combination with transparent enamels at three places this fall. The class evolved out of numerous questions about all the different products offered by enamel supply companies beyond the opaque and transparent enamel colors - such as oxides, painting enamel colors, underglaze pencils/chalk, overglaze paint, decals, etc. How are they used? Can they be used with enamel powders? How? Does one need to "know how to draw" to use them? Which is used first? 
    So, this class is designed to acquaint you with a wide variety of underglaze (under the enamel) and overglaze (over the enamel) materials. We'll experiment with them, learn how and when to use them and have alot of experimental fun with them. "Knowing how to draw" in the sense that you can realistically reproduce a likeness of a person or object is not necessary or preferred. We are not going to learn how to "draw". We are going to learn how to use the materials and to create enameled pieces that express each individual's ideas. Think in terms of transferring your favorite doodles, Zentangle drawings into enamel....or adding very fine detail and creating patterns or textures that can't be accomplished with enamel powders...or reproducing an image in a sepia toned decal.

    Georgia Goldsmith's Group 
    Atlanta, GA
    Transparent Enameling: Using Underglaze and Overglaze Drawing and Painting Media - see description below
    September 16 - 20, 2013

    Guilded Lynx 
    Ridgefield, CT
    Transparent Enameling: Using Underglaze and Overglaze Drawing and Painting Media - see description below
    October 4,5,6, 2013

    The Ranch, Center for Arts and Crafts 
    Seattle, WA
    Transparent Enameling: Using Underglaze and Overglaze Drawing and Painting Media - see description below
    November 8,9,10, 2013

    Transparent Enameling: Using Underglaze and Overglaze Drawing and Painting Media - Class description

    Create decorative surface designs and your own images using underglaze or overglaze drawing and painting media and decals with transparent enamels while learning basic information and skills for successful enameling.

    Timeless and versatile techniques will be taught, including use of underglaze pencils, chalk, oxides and watercolors, different metals as a drawing media, iron oxide scrafiltto, and underglaze black to create drawn or painted designs under transparent enamels; use ofoverglaze black and paint to emphasize details and overglaze decals for repeat imagery. 
    **We'll also explore use of iron oxide decals and atomized metals

    Use these techniques separately or together with transparent enamels on copper or fine silver to create diverse results based on your ideas. 

    Enameling basics will include metals to enamel on, fast and effective methods for cleaning metal prior to enameling, particle size choice, reasons for using graded sifters, grade sifting transparent colors, counter enamel and dry enamel application methods on flat and slightly formed metal. Edge finishing will be discussed and demonstrated.