ENAMELING ON FORMED METAL - workshop with BARBARA MINOR - October 24,25,26, 2014

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    I'll be teaching an ENAMELING ON FORMED METAL workshop at the Guilded Lynx in Ridgefield, CT this fall. Dates are OCTOBER 24-26, 2014http://www.guildedlynx.com/live/classes.php
    Learn to effectively enamel any formed piece of metal from simple dapped circles to complex repousse. 
    Focus will be on learning and understanding how to enamel a variety of formed pieces of metal. We will make and enamel deeply dapped domes, simple die formed shapes and basic fold formed pieces using opaque and/or transparent enamels. 
    Participants can bring their own already formed copper pieces of the type they have interest in enameling for use in their work. Scale can be from 1" up to 4". Copper pieces can be raised, repoussed, die formed, fold formed, single-shell shell structures, dapped or formed in any other way. 
    We will also work with a graded application of enamel color, using stencils, creating foil patterns and firing decals.
    While this is not an in depth class on enameling basics, essential information for successful and safe enameling will be covered. Such topics include metals to enamel on, fast and effective methods for cleaning metal prior to enameling, particle size choice, reasons for using varied sifter meshes, and sifted applications of enamel powder. Edge finishing will be discussed and demonstrated.
    CONTACT FOR MORE INFO - Lessley Burke at the Guilded Lynx -http://www.guildedlynx.com/live/classes.php - nfo@guildedlynx.com (203) 431-2400