I will be a featured guest on Jay Whaley's blogtalkradio program, "Metalsmith BenchTalk" on Thursday, March 28, from 3 - 4 PM PST. It's a month and a half away but I wanted to mention it while it's still fresh on my mind.
"Jay Whaley has been a successful metalsmith and teacher for over 36 years. For the past 8 years Jay has owned and operated a private jewelry making and metal arts studio located in San Diego. He also conducts weekly, one-hour interviews on his Metalsmith BenchTalk show on Blogtalkradio. He has been hosting the show for 3 years and now has nearly 100,000 listens. He interviews talented guests from around the country who are part of the metalsmithing community that share the same passion for jewelry art. Jay has also been a presenter at SNAG and has done live broadcasts there for 3 years."
I hope that you can listen in! If not during the live broadcast, you can listen to the archived interview at your convenience.