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    Sometimes I write verse instead of standing by the kiln.

    Verses written for a character in 'Tom Fleck'; here he speaks to his bride at their handfasting:

    To His Bride

    ‘You are the first gleam of dawn
    that swells the green linnet’s breast,
    and throbs his heart with joy.

    You are the sun at Noon,
    that golds the barley, and pulls
    the bee to the ling on the moor.

    And in the evening, the friend
    of my hearth side, and lover
    - when the whaup falls silent.’

    Terms in northern English:

    Green Linnet : The Greenfinch
    Ling: Heather
    Whaup: The Curlew

    Verses written for my 16th C historical novel ‘Tom Fleck’.

    Well - they made my eyes damp anyway . . .