Tuesday...and I'm feeling a bit out of sorts...

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    Well, where to start...

    Tonight I plan to enamel when I get home from the day job. I am not quite sure exactly what I am going to make but if I can get my bases prepped and ready to go, at least it's a start. I am thinking that my project might just be a piece for my friend and wonderful neighbor...perhaps a scene of her cute house or something just bright and colorful...she's going through a very rough time right now and I can't think of anything that I can do to help except MAKE something that she can hold in her hands - like a touchstone - that's bright and was made with all the caring and love I can possibly, cosmically, and karmically stuff into it. She just found out that her hubby's cancer has come back - except this time his oncologist says it's terminal and there is nothing he can do. They have an appointment at the Mayo Clinic on Friday.

    My friend told me last night while she and her hubby, at 10:30pm, came out with their flashlights, in their pajamas, to help me look for my house key that I had dropped somewhere on the road while walking the dog. So you see...I want this little something to be something special. I don't have words, but I can hopefully make something that perhaps can say what I can't and let her know that they are important to me and that we are here for them. This morning, as a little thank you for their help last night, pooch and I left them a nice bottle of German wine on their doorstep with a kookie thank you note for helping me look for said lost key - we didn't find it but maybe things happen for a reason...maybe I lost my key and went out with my flashlight in the pitch dark to look because my friend needed to unload the heavy burden a bit - I can't say but they went beyond what they had to do for me last night and given the current circumstance, the wine might come in handy sometime soon. I just can't shake the shock off yet...it was just the other week we talked to him and he was doing great (he said)...why do such bad things have to happen to such good people.

    So I'm thinking about patterns and designs and shapes. Nothing coming down the brain chute in concrete yet but this is a good afternoon for sketching and planning and thinking. I'm going to just let the slurry of ideas settle and see what floats to the top - that usually works...

    But on another note, I'm so very happy to see that a friend of mine who moved to Alaska has started working with copper and enamels to add to her jewelry line. Looks to be torch fired but they are happy and cheerful and colorful - much like my friend!I will be sending her the link to Grains and hopefully she'll join up! She and her hubby have a store in Ketchikan and are raising a beautiful baby boy...she's one busy Mama!

    Thanks so much for the ear and the vent today...I hope that everyone is having a wonderful spring so far and that your artistic endeavors are fruitful and are bringing you much happiness! This website, and all of you, have been such a terrific source of inspiration and I never ever get tired of seeing everyone's work! You're all pretty fabulous to me so I say "Thank You!"