Linda Kelen's arting activity update

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    In a major transition, slowly making enough progress, I can now show a little more of who I am
    My two weeks of teaching art to 3rd & 4th grades was fun.
     Now I'll get back to finishing the concrete floor staining
    so printcases can be moved in...
    flat art put away,
    and the rest of my studio equipment moved in...
    although, todays SW Wisconsin snow storm will probably alter those plans.

    My blog ARTINGS is updated.
    FREELANCE, and
    CARVED SOAP won't be updated until I find time.
    AbsoluteArts is a more official website
    where you can see a good range of what I art....
    although metal...this chasing/repousse is becoming more of a focus for me.
    I'm just fascinated by relief work.

    The Etsy shop will slowly house all my SardineTins.
    The Peninsula School of Art has indeed accepted me as the 2013 instructor of WhiteLine Printmaking.
    (You will also find, on the cover of their winter catalog,
    a picture of me in the Chasing/Repousse class I took last summer from Victoria Landsford)

    OK! NOW I am done.
    more later.........................................Linda