Received this morning from the Enamelist Society. We have lost one of the great ones and I am personally saddened. Bill was never too busy to talk with me and advise, even on the spur of the moment when I was facing an enameling emergency. I will miss him deeply.
Melissa Erlenbach Searle
"It is with deep sorrow that we inform you of the death of Bill Helwig early this morning. He was hospitalized briefly with colon cancer and unable to recover. His passing is a major loss to the enameling community as well as to his friends. He was a truly gifted artist as well as an extraordinary technician in enameling with a single-minded attention to whatever he was working on. So many of us have benefited from knowing him, whether from his classes, or from his technical support, from his experimental nature, or simply by seeing what wonderful work can be done in enameling."