Hi Jelina,
I found the same issue when using bronze clay and stainless steel containers - it left the inside of the kiln a mess - but you can vacuum it up before enameling - I have a Vcella kiln which is quite large and does not have a program for maintaining heat for several hours, so I purchased a small Paragon kiln for the metal clay programs - I would do as much metal clay firing as I could so that you don't have to go back and forth cleaning in between enameling - You don't want any dirt present when enameling. There is also sheets of foil that can be purchased specifically for base metals that you can fold into a box in place of the stainless steel containers and do not make a mess - I can't remember where I ordered them so I will have to check with other Members - right now my entire studio is all packed up for moving so I can't get to my notebooks - but I can have someone else help you with that.
Hope this helps,
I have a Caldera kiln.Information is helpful. It's a relief to know that I do not have to buy another kiln.Thank you very much.
Hi Jelina:))
You can get the firing foil at:
It's really sharp so handle carefully, cut with scissors, fold into box and staple corners:)) so easy no flaking. I use both my fiber kiln and my brick kiln for everything...and yes I do vacuum frequently, just because it's good kiln practice. But that being said, foil is great for the brick kiln, cause it retains the heat, but I use a sager instead, in my fiber kiln cause with the base metal clays, I find I need a little more heat retention... you can get that here:
or if you do ceramics you can make your own. There are also fiber containers, again, with a little bailing wire you can make your own out of fiber kiln shelf. Hope this helps:))-ann
Thanks Ann.it's very helpful.
I have one kiln,and I want to do base metal clays (bronze, copper, and steel ) and to do enameling.