Hi, I ordered a used kiln from eBay to add enameling to my jewelry work. It came with some old leaded enamels but I really want to keep my enamels lead free. I know that there are people that really love the leaded enamels so I thought what about a swap? There are about 15 ounces according to my plastic kitchen scale. The EBAY post said they were Thompson's but I can't say for sure. The number's and colors match vintage Thompson's leaded enamels. As a bonus, most of them are in beautiful green glass bottles.
Here are the colors with rough weights. First are the beautiful green bottles-
O Blue 288 1.25 ounces
T Yellow 723 1 ounce
O Green 162 just under 1 ounce
O Grey 266 .5 ounce
T Grey 128 .25 ounce or less (my kitchen scale didn't register this small amount so I went by the visual difference
Flux 425 1.5 ounce
O Orange 155 just under 1 ounce
O Black 335 just over 1 ounce
T Blue 122 .33 ounce
Empty green bottle labelled Flux 426
Empty green bottle labelled AGAR
The next two say "Copper Shop" on the label. These were harder to weigh because I had no empty bottle
Counter enamel 3 ounces?
Blue-green 586 2 ounces (gorgeous color)
The last three say "The Art Colony" on the label again no empty to compare weight
White 118 1 ounce
Golden Brown 743 .66 ounce
Saffire 110 1 ounce (another gorgeous color)
I really hope I can find someone interested in swapping. It could be a win win for both of us.