Thompson White Enamels, talked to Tom Ellis

    • 1 posts
    February 4, 2013 1:29 PM EST

    Thanks, Mary Rose. I'll make a note of all this.

    • 35 posts
    February 4, 2013 1:26 PM EST

    I talked to Tom Ellis about the various whites of Thompson Enamel.  I had trouble with 1020 Titanium White and transparents cracking over it, as did Candy.

    Tom told me Titanium White is not to be used as an undercoat.  It is to be used OVER enamels or as a painting enamel.

    Tom said other whites that can be used with enamels on top are:

    1010 undercoat white

    1030 foundation white

    1040  [I don't know what this one is]

    1045 antique

    1050 matt white

    1055 and 1060 can be used as white and with enamels on top.

    Hope this is helpful.