www.metalliferous.com carries small brass boxes like this http://store.metalliferous.com/products.asp?dept=2762. Google "small wooden boxes" and you'll find anything your heart desires in finished and unfinished boxes in a variety of woods. Here's one of my favorites on etsy http://www.etsy.com/listing/111400113/cherry-treasure-box-or-ring-box?ref=sr_gallery_16&ga_search_type=all&ga_includes[0]=tags&ga_page=5&ga_search_query=small+wooden+box&ga_view_type=gallery. I didn't have as much luck with glass boxes.
You're right, there is a great selection, and I especially liked the box you mentioned on Etsy. I was hoping to find something with a slightly recessed top so the enamel piece would fit neatly into it (especially as my pieces are sometimes a little warped and it would show)....Regards, Jeanne
They are very nice, I just ordered four....thanks very much.
Can anyone recommend a source for glass or hardwood boxes which could be used to mount enamel pieces? Or small clocks??? I've been mounting small pieces (2" square) on plexiglas boxes but the plexiglas is not durable and scratches very easily....Jeanne Abriel (FireworksEnamels.com)