Seeking part time enameling instructor, community college

    • 0 posts
    March 31, 2012 10:56 PM EDT

    Enamelist needed for limited part-time teaching, to build fledgling enameling course I've been working to establish at a community college in Colorado.  Adjunct faculty--not full time.  Please contact me if you'd like more information.   

    (Enamel course has been separate from jewelry program but jewelry instructor would like to work more closely with enameling.  Course has been general introduction; basic techniques applied on various scales including wall pieces.)  College requires minimum academic credential of BA for teaching studio courses.

    This job alone wouldn't be enough to support you:  you'd need to be doing your own freelancing, other teaching (possibility of other general studio courses at the college, or teaching workshops elsewhere, etc.), or other income-producing work.  This region has a strong arts community but not a strong enameling presence:  opportunity for broadening the reach and awareness of enameling.

    Please contact me if you're interested.  (I'm not the one in charge of hiring.  I'll give as much information as I can.  For anyone wishing to pursue this, I'll refer you to my department head. )
