This new website looks fabulous. Great job.
Thank you Jude - I am learning a lot myself on how to maneuver around - this is a very different site than the old
Ning site.
I respect you.
The new site is bad. Former was better.
Everything is incomprehensible.
Nobody writes in the forum.
You need to change something.
I'm sorry but this is my opinion.
Yours Leszek.
Sorry Trish, but I'm of the same opinion as Adrian. It is difficult to find old posts and old friends. Also the Forum is confusing. I'll try to get used to it. What was the reason for the change?
No offense and best regards
The sad, weeping Edmund
Hi Edmund,
I am sorry to hear you are having difficulties with the new site - change is hard but it was time to move on as I explained in my posts on the old site at the beginning of the year - The network carrying the old site was bought by another company, then another - with that brought a lot of problems and more money - they changed their fees for sites - and anyone who had a certain number of members and was growing larger they charged much more - triple the cost of what I was originally paying - they were also building a new platform and moving on with the times - which they were going to make everyone move over to - they promised this two years ago and its still not made - So I made the decision to bail out before I lost everything- there was so much chaos among the ranks and the other web site owners behind the scenes.
Unfortunately, every new site will be similar to this Social Engine - Garfield chose this particular one out of many because it got the best reviews for easy use - especially for me - it takes a lot of learning to run a web site. It took me a few years to get the old site easily running - and still I had many troubled days when I could not post an article or post photos in a proper fashion - You can't just call someone up when something is not working properly - you have to send an email and wait 24 hours for an explanation - many times the explanation came in two sentences that was meant for a computer genius and I banged my head against the wall.
I blogged a tip for the discussions so folks would know how to use it - I am still learning a lot myself - I was lucky to have been able to migrate most of the information from the old site to the new - I had the archives - Today most new sites do not allow you to take your information with you if you choose to move on to another network provider. Its always in the fine print. I bought the new site so I would not be held hostage-
I could not move the passwords over because that was private so that did cause inconvenince to everyone but Garfield solved the problem and You will have to reconnect with new friends -
Its a new generation of social networking and change is inevitable - Look how the world has changed from writing letters to each other, to the telephone- then less phone communication to sending emails and NOW we don't do that, we silently text from our phones -
No more weeping Edmund, its a new day!
Hugs Trish
[blockquote]Leszek Adrian said:
I respect you.
The new site is bad. Former was better.
Everything is incomprehensible.
Nobody writes in the forum.
You need to change something.
I'm sorry but this is my opinion.
Yours Leszek.
Hi Leszek,
Please read the response I made to Edmund - it explains why we made the changes we did - Please understand that change is very difficult for everyone, but sometimes we have no choice but to move along with the rest of the world - in this case, I had to save the site before I lost everything and that was a lot of work for Garfield and myself. This new format is the future of social networking - much has changed in the 7 years that I had the old site on NING - newer and smarter web programmers are desiging networks for the younger generation who are demanding much more apps than we ever dreamed of - if you knew what was actually offered on our site, that I don't use, you would be shocked - sometimes I think I am too old for working the new site - you have no idea how much I have had to re-learn inorder to push forward with Grains of Glass and keep it on the internet for the members.
We are all peddling fast to catch up with the technology that the younger generation already knows!
P.S. I will check with Thompson for you and find out if there is a way to received the workbook in polish and perhaps an E-book.
Hi Trish,
thank you for your detailed reply. Even if there is something difficult for me with my 83 years, I'll try to get used to the new page. Perhaps the familiarization is also a little brain workout.
Thanks again to you and Garfield for all your dedication and the hard work
The thinking Edmund
[Blockquote] Trish White powiedział: [/ b]
Cześć Leszek,
Proszę przeczytać odpowiedź zrobiłem do Edmunda - wyjaśnia, dlaczego zrobiliśmy zmiany zrobiliśmy - Proszę zrozumieć, że zmiana jest bardzo trudna dla wszystkich, ale czasem nie mamy wyboru, ale aby przejść wraz z resztą świata - w tym przypadku.
[/ Blockquote]
Trish thank you for your reply.
ps. thank you for the efforts of the workbook Thompson :-)
Welcome Edmund :-)
My dad is 82 years :-))))))
I wish you health, health and health.
A beautiful self-portrait. Wonderful.
Pozdrawiam Leszek