Topics, replies, and the recent activity bar

  • June 24, 2015 11:20 AM EDT

    I'm posting this topic to see if it will display correctly. I have also had some trouble finding the option to 'reply' to topics posted by others. Is anyone else finding that posting or replying is difficult on the new site? I found a 'post comment' option on Trish's blog post 'Shout out fom Karen Cohen', but the option seems to be missing from other posts in the Forum.

    Has anyone posted anything new since June 20th? I find it hard to believe that a photo I uploaded was the only activity that has occurred since then on this shiny new site. The left activity panel has been displaying my photo upload as the most recent activity for days now. I hope people are trying out the new site!





    • Moderator
    • 114 posts
    June 24, 2015 5:14 PM EDT

    Hi Christine,

    Your posting on your Profile page has shown up in the Forums under General Discussions - it will take a bit of getting use to, and I am also scratchig my head - but this is how the social networks run as opposed to the old NING - which is also changing - you can also post on the fornt page where it ways "post"-


    Thank you for your patience,
