Today my first tests with enamel on silver. 999 silver and enamel firm Schauer.
I hope Edmund, Rudolph and Trish will like :-)
" Dzisiaj moje pierwsze testy z emalią na srebrze. Srebro próby 999 a emalie firmy Schauer.
Mam nadzieję że Edmundowi, Rudolfowi i Trish się spodobają :-) "
Przygotowanie srebrnych próbek :
contenamel ( bezolowiowa MB ) :
Położenie kolorów :
Wypalone wzorniki :
tutaj z wzorem guilosche :
I love enamel on silver.
Trish can you burn such templates :-))))))))
" Kocham emalię na srebro.
Trish mogę Ci wypalić takie wzorniki :-)))))))) "
Sure if you keep re-firing and the kiln is too hot! This green is beautiful - what color is it and brand? I love greens - I usually make small samples and stick them on top of my enamel jars so I know what the color looks like on silver - I don't spend too much time making samples on copper, because they never come out that great! SILVER RULES!! at least with transparents - great job-
Welcome Trish.
Green is the color of the enamel Schauer no. ES - 0137.
Here statement on the template.
Why are the colors red are ugly? :-(
Here silver 999 + flux.
Here silver foil copper + flux.
Enamel Schauer.
Dear Adrian,
You can not burn red transparente enamel directly onto silver. You must first apply and burn a layer of silver flux. After that you can place and fire the transparent Emaiile. If possible, but only one time and not too long and not too hot to burn.
I prefer as the metal underground fine silver. Alloyed silver you must be pre-treated before enamelling. Otherwise, the enamel change dramatically its color. The reason is the copper in the alloy.
Friendly regards
Oh sorry, Adrian, I see you used fine silver. But also on fine silver you must fire at first a coat of very clear flux before you lay on a red transparente enamel
Welcome Edmund.
How do I use only wrote silver 999.
Today, I applied flux Schauer 0001 and blurted out new samples.
We managed to :-). Reds are beautiful.
Edward used as flux for silver? Hard, medium or soft ? ( Schauer )
Edward thank you for your time. :-)
Here at guilloche backing
Hi Adrian
I used mostly Soyer flux for silver No. 3. It is a very clear flux
Thank you, Edmund.
I did the first disc. Diameter 38 mm, thickness 0.5 mm, sheet metal silver 999. Enamels Schauer.
Your watch is amazing!
Thank you Julie :-)
I love the dials of the clock.
Shield 999 Silver - 0.5 mm
Flux Schauer 0100
Klejenie i wypalanie cloisonne.
Nakladanie emali :
cdn. pozdrawiam :-)