Sustainable Practices

    • 2 posts
    June 18, 2019 8:22 AM EDT



    Was wondering if anyone had tips or advice for the best way to enamel taking into account the environmental affects. I know that the technique is far from Sustainable but wondered if anyone has tips or tricks they use in the studio to cause minimal impact to the environment? 




    • 16 posts
    June 24, 2019 5:36 PM EDT

    Well, I'd say 

    - avoid dumping liquids down the sink; store used solvents in a dedicated container, used pickle in another; water used to wash enamels goes to a decanter (a jerrycan with a tap is good, this way you can siphon the clear water off); bring full containers to a waste collection point that can handle them

    - to avoid wasting electricity, get a kiln adapted to the size of the items you want to produce, with a good insulation; prepare batches before turning on the kiln

    - keep metal scraps sorted; find a smelter, a company recycling metals or a recycling point

    - not limited to enameling, but, if you plan to sell, see for recyclable packaging; make products that your customers want to keep for a long time (not the cheap and disposable kind of things)


    • 2 posts
    June 25, 2019 5:34 PM EDT
    Thanks Vincent,
    Yes all practices I use - I like the Jerrycan tip though! I also emailed Thomson's enamel directly and they provided some great information too. Appreciate your reply!