Was wondering if anyone had tips or advice for the best way to enamel taking into account the environmental affects. I know that the technique is far from Sustainable but wondered if anyone has tips or tricks they use in the studio to cause minimal impact to the environment?
Well, I'd say
- avoid dumping liquids down the sink; store used solvents in a dedicated container, used pickle in another; water used to wash enamels goes to a decanter (a jerrycan with a tap is good, this way you can siphon the clear water off); bring full containers to a waste collection point that can handle them
- to avoid wasting electricity, get a kiln adapted to the size of the items you want to produce, with a good insulation; prepare batches before turning on the kiln
- keep metal scraps sorted; find a smelter, a company recycling metals or a recycling point
- not limited to enameling, but, if you plan to sell, see for recyclable packaging; make products that your customers want to keep for a long time (not the cheap and disposable kind of things)