Glass on Metal Magazine - Killmaster tutorial

  • Leader
    December 29, 2011 8:17 AM EST

    See "Glass on Metal" magazine Vol. 8, No. 3, pgs 53-55, 64-65. Junr 1989.

    "Mystery Man"  enamel
    Stage one:  a spray of white granular, the I sgrafittoed line drawing through the white to reveal black.
    Stage two:  a light black spray, brushed off highlights and fired.
    Stage three:  blue spray, then red, the yellow.
  • March 30, 2014 12:19 PM EDT

    All enamelists should read back issues from John Killmaster on enamel. You will find a great amount of information on the proper steps for a successful project. Studying under John Killmaster has opened my eyes to the world of enameling. When ever I need help I read his back issues for the  answers I need. I have found that he keeps raising the bar foe me and pushed me to a higher level of looking at each project. The answers I am looking for are there if I look for the answer to a particular problem . All enameling uses sqraffito in some manor. No one does it better than John Killmaster. I am always at aw when I see his work. I always hope I will be half as good as he is. The Mystery Man is one of his more complex compositions, and I love it.

  • Member
    February 12, 2019 5:16 PM EST
    Wonderful tribute to John Killmaster and his masterful work Charles and Trish! Thank you! I too have been trained by John and his teaching of enamels is what started me on this great adventure. I reached out to him in 2009 to learn enameling, and he and his wife Rose welcomed me to his studio and home with open arms. He started with a six hour slide show and tour of his work, and we began enameling together in 2010. To this day I call him and talk enamels as often as I can. Although he was also my professor at Boise State in the early 80s, it is through enameling that we have become dear friends and colleagues. If any of you have a chance to take one of his workshops, do it! Don't hesitate! He has enormous bank of knowledge about this medium and he is happy to share, and help you experiment. And as Charles mentioned, his articles are an incredible resource. I am in full gratitude for my teacher and mentor. Life is magical!