Photo 14 of 15 in gré dubbeldam

winter 49x59cm
  • Vivek Das and Diane Anderson like this
  • Trish White

    Hi Gré,

    We haven't heard a word from you in a long time!!

    I am hoping you will put some more of your work on the site very soon and also give us a tutorial of how you go about making these fantastic pieces.


    Best regards,


  • gré dubbeldam My kiln is 30x30 cm so every work is bild up in pieces that fit. After enammeling I compose the work through sticking every piece on wood. In between the pieces I cover the hole thats under it with sinc and there is sinc around the edges to cover the wood.
  • Virginia Sajan this too is very beautiful. what do you mean when you finish with zinc. i don't understand. thx, Virginia