Photo 2 of 18 in Jim Jordan

Jim Jordan - USA
  • Jim Jordan Feel free to use the info under your name Trish. You deserve all the credit for putting together this great web site. I'm jealous about your symposium, Linda Darty is a true master and I think her book is the best I've ever read. I used to do Repousse in...  more
  • Trish White Thanks Jim, Would you mind if I added this info about opalescents to the Colors Tab ? actually, I would love for you to put it under your name - I did put some collected info on the subject for other readers, but I hate for all the information to go...  more
  • Jim Jordan Thanks for the complement Trish. I finally took pics of some older work. This is my one and only PMC piece. The stone is held on with little silver screws from the back and the frame is mahogany. I made the PMC blank and pushed an oiled rubber stamp into...  more
  • Trish White All the photos you sent it are really nice Jim. We have had a rush of Metal Clay artists join and I hope you will add some notes to the Metal Clay Group I just added on. I took a workshop last year out in Tucson at the Gem Show and fell in love with it....  more