The first meeting with transparent enamel. Test.

  • April 9, 2015 10:03 AM EDT

    Welcome Edmund

    Grind harder it shows me a white enamel  :-(

    • 77 posts
    April 9, 2015 10:27 AM EDT

    Then you have a problem.
    1) the cloisonné wires are not high enough. So the enamel on top of the white is too thin. After firing the wires to the white enamel-ground, the wires should have a height of at minimum 0,8 mm. The cells should be filled with enamel up to the upper rim. If after the firing the name in the cells are concave, fill enamel up again until it is slight convex. Fire again. Now it should be possible to grind the surface without loosing the top colors.

  • April 9, 2015 12:17 PM EDT

    Edmund Thank you for the advice.

    On the brooch I used a wire of 1 mm and is perfect.

    Efco enamel primer - blue. Ground, lined up.

    Bonding wire. Glue "Edmund":-)))) (wallpaper)

    Imposition of enamel + vibration

    To the furnace.

    Satisfactory effect. :-)


    • 77 posts
    April 10, 2015 9:28 AM EDT

    Hallo Leszek,
    May I ask how familiar you are with the possibilities of the cloisonné technique? If you need any informations, I'll do it gladly. But I do not want to arise in the forum as the "Clever Dick".

  • April 10, 2015 2:32 PM EDT

    Hi Edmund.
    I am a beginner, it's my hobby. Emalierstwa learn from the forum.
    First enamelling December 2014.
    I made a few cloisonne. Pictures below.

    First cloisonne on stainless steel:-))))))

    2. Indianin dla przyjaciela

    3. Kreml

    4. Kurczak Aztecki

    5. Miś

    6. Kobieta

    7. Adrian

    8. Ryba

    8. Pirania

    It all cloisonne.

    Yours sincerely Leszek.

    ps. Who is the "Clever Dick" ??

    • 77 posts
    April 11, 2015 8:44 AM EDT

    Dear Adrian,
    I like your design very much. It is beautiful and very detailed. My favorite is the picture of the "Kobieta".
    But in my opinion, you could change (improve ?) the coloring, and the finishing of the surface.
    If the design is in a dark color, one should make the background in a lighter color, or reverse. In this manner, the motive set oneself more apart from the background.
    Also if one grind the the enamel surface, colors and designs becomes more apparent.
    I myself grind nearly all my Cloisonné-work. And if you have a look in good enamel books or you view the Cloisonné pictures here in the forum you will see, that most of it is grinded and polished. It is a lot of work, but I think it is it worth.
    I hope you do not think I just want to bitch. But your design is so perfect, und you invest so much work in enamelling, that I think you should reflect about coloring and finishing your work.

    This works are made like yours, very fine wires, not grinded. But as you can see, design and background are clear different. 

    Although backgrounds and designs  here are not so different,  the design and the background  are clear to distinguish.  This is, why the surfaces are grinded and polished.

    All works are from the 1920-1940 years designed and produced from professionals 


  • April 17, 2015 10:59 AM EDT

    Hi Edmund.
    I thought a long time about what you wrote.
    I have a little experience, and I have a lot to learn.
    I love stick cloisonne wire.
    Now I want to make samples according to your advice.

    You showed a beautiful horse. I would like to make a copy. May I?


    • 77 posts
    April 18, 2015 5:45 AM EDT

    Dear Adrian,
    in this thread I have deliberately not used any own designs. They are parts of my collection and date back from the 1920-1930 years. So it is no problem, if you want to utilize one of it.

  • February 26, 2015 12:23 PM EST

    Wykonanie pierwszych testerów emalii Schauer.
    Wycięcie kółek z miedzi 0,5 mm o średnicy 25 mm.
    Trawienie w kwasie cytrynowym.
    Mycie szorowanie w sodzie i suszenie na piecu.
    Nałożenie podkładów z flux.
    Położenie kawałków folii srebra i emali białej.
    Nałożenie koloru.

    Implementation of the first testers enamel Schauer.
    Excision of copper rings of 0.5 mm diameter of 25 mm.

    Citric acid digestion.

    Washing soda scrubbing and drying in the oven.

    Imposition of flux sleepers.

    Location foil pieces of silver and white enamel.

    Imposition of color.




  • July 7, 2015 6:30 AM EDT

    [Blockquote] Edmund J. Massow powiedział: [/ b]

    Drogi Adrianie,
    lubię swój projekt bardzo. To jest piękne i bardzo szczegółowe. Moim ulubionym jest obraz "Kobieta".
    Ale moim zdaniem, można zmienić (poprawić?) na kolorystykę i wykończenie powierzchni.

    [/ Blockquote]


    Hello Edmund.
    I have long wondered color "Woman". I decided to put a black enamel and leave the wires above, bas-relief.

    I hope you enjoy it. :-)


    Witam Edmund.
    Długo zastanawiałem się ja kolorować " Kobietę". Postanowiłem nałożyć czarną emalię a druty zostawić wyżej, płaskorzeźba.

    Mam nadzieję że się spodoba. :-)




    Pozdrawiam Leszek