• Leader
    October 11, 2011 4:49 PM EDT




    Note: A torch can be purchased at Lowes or Home Depot. It is a MAP Gas Kit and uses a disposable gas cyclinder. The tip is standard with the kit. I also use an acetylene with the same results with a #3 torch tip.


    I use Ninomiya enamels,which are leaded enamels, with these tutorials..I also wears IR glasses shade 3 and a respirator..all these items are available
    phone#1800 596 3257...coral shaffer


  • Member
    October 11, 2011 7:07 PM EDT

    Thanks, what a clear, clean explanation.  I love the graphite detailing, it makes a wonderful Dr. Seuss-ish piece!  I'll have to try this.


    Lillian Jones

  • Member
    October 11, 2011 8:00 PM EDT

    Another great tutorial. This format is much better than a video.

  • Member
    October 11, 2011 9:36 PM EDT

    Love this, and the tut is just right! Thanks so much for a new trick to use.!!!

  • Member
    October 12, 2011 7:23 PM EDT

    Question...when you place the enamel inlay, what is the consistency of the enamel? Is it mixed with water? I'm a newbie and trying to learn as many techniques as I can! Any information you can provide is greatly appreciated!!

  • Leader
    October 13, 2011 10:32 AM EDT

    Chris Hierholzer left a comment for Amy Iversen

    Amy...the enamel is wet packed into the depressions left by the diamond bits...the consistancy is like wet sand only finer..hard to explain off the cuff...i use a ooo brush..stiff if you can find... to push into the depressions..hope this helps..chr… 

  • Member
    October 20, 2011 9:21 AM EDT

    Love the finishe piece!!! Nice Chris! Lillian hits the nail on the head - I immediately thought of Horton Hears A Who! Question: Do you use the graphite (pencil) like an underglaze and seal it with a top coat enamel for the finish fire?

  • October 20, 2011 12:20 PM EDT

    Wonderful...desperately want to see a close-up picture of the finished piece.  Not sure were the graphite was added as I have never used it before.  Thank-you!!  Michelle