• Member
    November 6, 2011 6:38 PM EST

    Chris, Would you share the brand name and number of white flux?  It's not something I have come across.  Thanks.

  • Leader
    November 7, 2011 9:54 AM EST

    Vera..for #2 tutorial on graphite on enamel i used Ninomiya leaded L-101 white..the flux underneath was N-1. If you prefer to use unleaded then Thompson's 1010 white with a hard flux[2040] underneath will work....have fun. chris

  • Member
    January 14, 2012 8:10 PM EST

    Hi Chris, really enjoy this set of tutes.  Does the copper really need the hard flux under it? Hard white I would think is enough. Also, did you ever use Velvet etching or glass etching cream on enamels? I have, and got controlled areas of matte vs gloss after a last firing. Maybe the etch matte would work. I have seen the etch for glass in local chain of craft stores for etching glassware. Anything I can do not to have to hand stone or wet/dry sand is good for me. Not sure if can neutralize it sufficiently to make it fire correctly. But I know it leaves the 'tooth' needed to mark on with pencil.

  • Leader
    January 21, 2012 5:04 PM EST

    the answer is yes to all the questions....many enamelists develop thier own approach to graphite on enamels after experimenting...this tutorial is the way i approach it...i usually apply foil and and color after firing the using a hard flux under the white flux my colors are more true....if i just use the white flux then the white discolors after multiple etching compounds are a good solution if you don't want to stone the enamel to get the tooth needed to draw on the i'm sure you heard that there is no wrong way and no right way to approaching the process of enameling...

    best to you and your efforts, chris h.

  • Member
    May 19, 2012 3:55 PM EDT

    Chris, thank you very much for this tutorial! I tried your torch firing method the other day and ran into a problem. I'm using a Fireworks or HotHead torch mounted directly on the gas cylinder. When I put the tip straight up as in your photos, it put the gas cylinder in a nearly horizontal position and it started hissing and sputtering. Is there a hose between your gas tank and the torch head? Can't see in the photos. Any help you could give would be appreciated!

  • Member
    May 19, 2012 4:42 PM EDT

    Chris, that clears up the mystery! I now have options. I have a hose to connect the cylinder and the torch head. I stopped using that because smoke, not flame, came out of the torch when I turned it off. I could also try my acetylene torch or figure out a way to extend the legs of my tripod. Thanks for you help! I love your enamels and am awestruck by your sawn tab settings.

  • Member
    July 4, 2013 6:01 PM EDT

    thank you so much for a clear tutorial about graphite on enamel, what a fabulous resource this is!

  • January 31, 2016 6:55 PM EST

    thanks for the tutorial.

    I had made a drawing,  aafter firing the graphite was fixed but still looked matter than the  white.  ThenIasdded some colour witheven some thintdarker  lines. I fired,  the colour was ok, the lines too, just glossy but thepencil hadalmost disappeared !!!