Studio Set-up

  • Member
    September 9, 2010 8:30 AM EDT
    Hi Melodie, I got my torch holder from my local Harbor Freight store. It is also available on their website - here is the link: Torch Rest . Instead of using the magnetic base, I wedge the bottom of the holder between my ceramic tile and the table top. The weight of the tile seems to be enough to hold it in place; but, if you want extra security, you could bolt it to the table or use a C-clamp. In my experience, it is really easy to remove the torch from the holder and place it in. If you look at the first picture I posted, the torch slides in and out of the space to the left of the torch handle. Let me know if you would like me to post a picture of the holder without the torch in it. Thank you for the neat and organized compliment. For me, it is requirement since I have a small space to work with right now. To cool my pieces, I move it to the firebrick or the white ceramic tile to cool and then put it directly into into the pickle (since my pickle is warm, I do not allow the piece to cool completely to avoid shocking the glass). I currently use Silver Prep Non-Toxic Pickle from Cool Tools ( [Note: I mix my pickle a little stronger than directed by Cool Tools and have had no problems.] Given that it is now my primary pickle, I would prefer to order larger quantities than Cool Tools offers. I have ordered Ottotech Citric Pickle from Otto Frei (; but, I have not tried it yet. I rinse after pickling; and, if needed, give the piece a scrub with fine pumice powder or PennyBrite copper cleaner.
  • September 10, 2010 2:29 AM EDT
    Thankyou Tonya for the info on the torch holder!...Harbor freight is one of my favorite stores,(next to Macys)...I don't know how I missed the holder...I'll check it out next week, and if I can't find it locally, I'll order it from the web site...(thanks for that too)...
    Also thanks for the info on the pickle...I do a lot of metal smithing and don't want to develope a mysterious cough:-)...So using a nicer pickle would be a good idea. There's enough mischief causing stuff in my studio as it is...When I get time I'm going to post pictures of my studio...right now I'm getting ready for a show and it shows...If I wasn't organised (right now, under the surface of disorganization) I'd lose my mind...
  • Member
    February 28, 2013 6:41 PM EST

    Hi Tonya, thanks for the information. I am very new, just starting and it is good to see how to set up. 


  • January 18, 2014 2:13 PM EST

    Hi Tonya.                                                                                                                 I'm thinking to buy propane atmospheric air torch.Is that OK?What do you suggest I should use? 

  • Member
    January 19, 2014 4:59 PM EST

    Hi Tony,

    I can't see the posting here; but, I got an email that you had posted the following question:

    "thinking about buying propoane atmospheric air torch.  Is that ok?What do you suggest I should use?"

    I personally use a propane air torch.  I recommend propane or natural gas as they burn cleaner.

  • Member
    January 19, 2014 7:34 PM EST

    Hi Tonya

    Thank you for your reply and lots of information. I have been studying up on the torch firing which I was using propane gas, but wasn't completely satisfied with the results. I purchased a secondhand kiln and had a couple of problems with work sticking to the trivet, which I realise now is not a great problem. All I have to do is practice, practice and practice. I do go to several markets a month and people are really interested in enamel work, which gives me another string to my products. 

  • January 24, 2014 6:09 AM EST

    Hi Tonya

    Thank you for your answer.I have one more question.

    Which fuel are you using for the smith little torch?


  • Member
    January 24, 2014 10:47 PM EST

    Hi Jelena,

    I use a propane and oxygen combination for my Smith Little Torch; but, I do not use the Smith Little Torch to torch fire enamels.

  • Member
    January 25, 2014 9:16 AM EST


    I am not sure how I missed your question.  I apologize for the delayed response.  Yes, I use a propane air torch for torch fired enameling.

  • Member
    January 25, 2014 9:19 AM EST


    You are welcome.