Photo 6 of 12 in shreekant k.


shreekant k.'s Album: shreekant k.

  • shreekant k.
    shreekant k. It is camaieu a term dating from grisaille-like technique which uses a buildup of white enamel to create highlights and light areas. However, instead of using a black background, as in grisaille, transparent enamel is laid in first, beneath the whites....  more
    August 26, 2011 - 1 likes this
  • Trish White
    Trish White


    This looks exactly like a painting - how did you manage to create brushstrokes. Your detail is wonderful. Would you explain to us the techniques you applied?

    August 26, 2011
  • Anne dinan
    Anne dinan This is an amazing piece.
    August 10, 2015