Photo 16 of 52 in Tom Lundsten

2014-09-20 09.14.54

Tom Lundsten's Album: Tom Lundsten

  • Tom Lundsten
    Tom Lundsten

    Hi Edmund,

    Thanks, lovely to hear from you.

    The cups/bowls are high fired and theenamels used are all leaded enamels and mostly a mixture of Soyer, Schauer and Milton Bridge. It is the combination of a very hard and a soft enamel that gives the flowing

    ...  more
    October 15, 2014
  • Edmund Massow
    Edmund Massow

    Hi Tom,
    your cups are all very beautiful. I love the flowing colors. Have you used Thompson enamels? Are the cups high fired? And if so, how did you prevents that the enamel drops down?

    October 15, 2014