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  • Torch Firing & Tutorials
    "Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others." Jonathan Swift

    The technique of fusing glass enamel onto metal with the use of an Acetylene, Propane, or Natural Gas torch.
  • Trish White (owner)
    • 9.8K total views
    • 111 total members
    • Last updated September 23, 2017
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Torch Firing & Tutorials


This group has 111 members.
  • Trish White (owner) Welcome Marta Welcome Puerto Rico
  • Debra Montgomery Enameling on Hot rolled steel- I forgot about using cold rolled steel. I have hot rolled 10ga steel leaves all formed and cleaned and then realized my mistake. Is there any way to make hot rolled work? Is using the ground coat GC-16 sufficient or is there any way at all to just use the liquid enamel color with one firing and leave it at that? One of my concerns is if I have to now use ground coat then I will have to use a base coat before the color and then fire the color - so three firings. Will that cause another problem related to scale? Please note that these leaves have been heated in a forge, lightly formed and the top surface that will get the enamel has been ground/sanded down to a clean bright silver surface with no visible scale. Will this make a difference? Thanks in advance